Pencanting tegar


the greatest VERSUS

rock VERSUS nasyid
entertainment magazines VERSUS religious books
social life VERSUS muslim's life
you VERSUS yourself

buku ini dipinjamkan oleh sahabat perjuanganku 
thanks a bunch girl =)

sekilas pandang buku ini tak lebih daripada kehidupan seorang remaja yang pastinya sudah menjadi satu norma dalam setiap novel
but wait till you read the first page of it

i was amazed i must say
oneword for this book to describe it

buku ini sesuai sekali bagi sesiapa yang ingin melakukan anjakan paradigma dalam kehidupannya
but you don't have the enough strength
you manage to stand up, but yet for no reason you fall and flew back by the wind

this is the simple and right book for us
yes, us. tak perlu pergi jauh.
aku sudah berapa kali berazam ingin berubah. MENJADI LEBIH BAIK
but yet i think im still the old me
don't have the enough strength
sometimes i feel it, but most of the time its blank
its like a pouring water in a broken jar

back to the book
its about a skater life went to 180 dgree
she wants to reload back her life
start a new beginning
but its hard, when you don't have the enough strength
because its you against yourself
end up defending yourself from the past
being ice for most of the time
you against the life you love
it tells the reality of the present youth

dari seorang skater kepada muslimah solehah
dari seorang yang tiada perasaan kepada seorang yang sangat caring
dari seorang yang emosional kepada seorang yang berjaya mengawal emosi
dari seorang yang leka dan lalai kepada seorang pencinta Ilahi
and this is all because of one obvious reason
to gain the pure love from Him

this book tells us that there is no easy way in escaping the life that you are already blend in
it'll cost you buckets of blood and tears
it'll cost you repeating painful wound
but at the end of the day
you'll be the one that could be proud of yourself
not because you think that you have been good enough,
but you manage to find the exit of your darkness

ketika aku menghayati setiap perkataan and phrases in this book
sesekali aku rasa terpukul dengan setiap kata- kata di dalamnya
terfikir andai penulis ini tahu saja aku ini
perlian dan sindiran yang tak ingat punya
tapi itulah manusia
takkan rasa tersindir jika sendiri tak salah kan?

buku ini mengingatkan aku kembali kepada tujuan asal hidupku
i live to serve Him

sometimes its awkward to reflects back the times
 its because its not you are totally zero in Islam
you got the basics in your hand
yet you never understand
reflects back the times?
let me correct it. reflects your life cause im still in such a chaos
ashamed with 3 year old kid
the kid still don't understand because they are so young
they just follow what the elders did
orang solat, maka solat lah dia
orang pakai tudung, tutuplah kepala dia
pemahaman aku umpamanya seperti kanak- kanak ini


hoping to be better

and i recommend this book to all of you
its a good book for a first step in " to change "
cannot describe more

simple words, simple dakwah
menyusur halus ke dalam jiwa



Shukri Mohd Ali said...

oho...versus. best, best! karya Hlovatte sume pun best =)

CKB said...



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